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Sarah Azhari Annoyed so Often Victims of Porn Sites
Artis Sarah Azhari curhat di Mahkamah Agung, Kamis (19/3/2009). Ia merasa dirinya selalu saja jadi korban di internet. Di situs dunia maya yang berbau porno, namanya selalu saja nongol.
( Artist Sarah Azhari foreverglo in the Supreme Court, on Thursday (19/3/2009). She always felt herself the victim just so on the internet. Site in the virtual world of porn smelly, her name always appears just ).
"Jika diklik di Google, pasti keluar hal-hal yang negatif, alat-alat seks atau yang tidak senonoh. Foto-foto bugil, nude, pokoknya nggak ada yang positif," tuturnya saat ditemui di Mahkamah Konstitusi, Jl. Merdeka Barat 6, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (19/3/2009).
( "If you clicked on Google, certain things come out negative, tools that are not sex or profanity. Nude images, the main thing I have a positive," she said at the time the Constitutional Court, Jl. Merdeka Timur 6, Jakarta Pusat, thursday 19/3/2009. )
Malah pernah karena namanya sudah begitu kondang di dunia maya, ada sebuah produk yang berminat memasang iklan. Produk tersebut bersedia memasang iklan di situs 'jadi-jadian' Sarah Azhari.
( Even the name has been so famous in the virtual world, there is a product that interested in advertising. Products are prepared on a site advertising 'imitation' Sarah Azhari. )
"Untungnya dia cermat, teliti, ketika tanya sama aku, memang bukan official website aku," jelasnya.
( "Fortunately she was careful, precise, when I do the same, the official website is not me," she explained. )
Sarah pun kini bersyukur kini ada UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE). Ia merasa terlindungi dengan adanya undang-undang yang berlaku dalam waktu dekat ini.
( Sarah is now the law is now grateful Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). She feels protected by the laws that apply in the near future. )
"Saya mendukung sepenuhnya untuk segera dilaksanakan," tandas Sarah.
( "I am fully support to begin immediately," said Sarah. )
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